“Staying connected to my fellow Phillips alumni and helping others get connected has been one of the most life giving experiences for me since leaving campus! Once a Haymaker, always a Haymaker!”

Lifelong Connections, Powerful Community

The bonds formed during the beloved college days at Phillips, whether in Clay Hall or Marshall Building extend far beyond graduation day. At their best, they shape lifelong connections and foster a sense of powerful community. They and the stories that follow continue long after graduation and classes have passed.

Alumni Resources that Connect & Celebrate

Whether we’re connecting through regional alumni gatherings, exploring memories found in the online memorabilia collections or sharing stories through the PU Story Project, the goal is simply this – to provide opportunities to connect alumni to one another and honor the legacy that is the Phillips University community.

Ways to Get Involved

Alumni Ambassadors

Alumni Ambassadors

Serve as a representative for your city, region, or graduation year & help connect Haymakers!

Alumni Ambassadors

Event Host

Help alumni stay connected & host gatherings and pop-up events throughout the year.

Alumni Ambassadors


Interview alumni for the PU Story Project; connect with friends, new and old, sharing stories across generations.

Alumni Ambassadors

Committee Service

Committees serve our mission to develop leaders who transform the world. Share your time, talent & expertise!

Alumni Ambassadors

Make a Gift

In making a gift, you invest in a better future for students, their campuses and communities.

Alumni Ambassadors

Leave a Legacy

Keep the legacy alive; honor a loved one, faculty or classmate through endowed scholarships or planned giving.

Let us know how you want to get involved and make a difference! To get involved or for questions, please complete the form below or contact alumni@pulf.org.

Alumni – Getting Connected

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